Training is an essential part to obtain a good return of the investment, so at Rierge we have the necessary elements to be able to offer our customers a training prior to the delivery of the machine. We invite all our clients to dedicate a few hours to the training.

This training is offered both face-to-face and remote.

In this training is taught:

  • Machine management
  • Software training
  • Maintenance tasks
  • Tool configuration

Training Centers

Our training specialists cau help you to discover new work methods that can be implemented in your production process. These courses are held in the factory, where you will have the opportunity to be in contact with the machine’s manufacture and it will bring you a new vision regarding to organization of production and the tools technology.

Depending on what your company is involved in, you can test the material you work with, gaining experience in machining technology.

This time invested in training will revert to a greater productivity that will allow you yo save costs and an to make an appropiate use of the elements, which will prevent some breakdowns.